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Dhaka-Mymensingh rail services resume after more than eight hours

Rail communication on Dhaka-Mymensingh route resumed today eight and a half an hours after its suspension following the derailment of a train in Gafargaon of Mymensingh.
Train movement resumed around 5:40am, our local correspondent reports quoting Mymensingh Railway Station Superintendent Nazmul Haque Khan.
At least four trains — two from Dhaka and two others from Mymensingh — were stuck at Gafargaon Railway Station until the derailed compartment was salvaged, the railway official said.
The train service between Dhaka and Mymensingh remained halted since 9:20pm last night as a compartment of the Dewanganj-bound Brahmaputra Express from Dhaka veered off the rail tracks near Dhala station.
